The creation process of “The Netherlands”

Dear friends, I hope you are well.

I wish to give you a preview of my last work, “The Netherlands”.

My creative process starts often with a sentence, a word or an image that I want to leave impressed in the painting.

Almost always at the end you can’t even see it but, somohow, it is there.

The most difficult part is to leave the judgment of mind and surrender to the flow of creative energy.

In the video above, you can see some phases of the creation process of “The Netherlands”. If you enjoy the video… don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe to my just born channel.

What is alive in me – Exhibition at Estec

The exhibition took place from 10th to 14th of February 2020, in the premises of the Estec and has was organized by the Estec Fine Arts Club.

“What is alive in me” is a journey from the discovery of my passion to the revelation of my soul through the unpredictability of the colors.

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